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09公開教學(xué)《Tips for job interview success》

文章來源:本站原創(chuàng) 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2009年12月10日 點(diǎn)擊數(shù):

    題: Tips for job interview success

(Welcome to the unit, Reading & Grammar and usage)

Teaching Aims:

1.      Enhance students’ reading abilities.

2.      Enable Ss to adopt the strategy understanding incomplete sentences used for emphasis.

3.      Enable Ss to grasp the language points and grammar and usage.

Teaching important points:

1.      Help Ss gain some knowledge about job interviews.

2.      Help them learn some language points and grammar and usage.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.  Lead- in with pictures(Welcome to the unit).

Step 2  Read the passage and analyze the structure of the text.

Step 3  Do the task-based reading

Step 4  Language points (During the process, deal with reading strategy and

grammar and usage.)

Step 5  Consolidation

Step 6  Homework:

1. Write a passage using the phrases in the text.

2. Finish part B at page25 and part A1,A2 at page 102 in the WB.


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