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文章來源:本站原創(chuàng) 發(fā)布時間:2006年10月13日 點擊數(shù):

    As is known to all,health is very important to us.So how to keep healthy is an important thing to people.Firstly,we should eat more fruits and vegetables,keep a balanced diet, and avoid eating food which contains too much sugar and fat. Secondly,we alse need exercise more,which contributes to our htalth. For example,we can regularly ride a bike for several miles,swim each daymand walk a couple of miles.What's more , we must prevent the forming of ball habits which result from many diseases.

    In my opinion, health plays an important role in oour daily life. Depending on it, we can study better and live a happier life. So I think htalth is a ticket to success and happiness.

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